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Dental/Medical Volunteer Information

Volunteering at the RI Mission of Mercy project provides a sense of commitment and service with ourselves, our communities and our state. It is a soul satisfying experience because it comes from the goodness of your own heart, with no expectation of receiving anything in return.

Your service at an RIMOM event also highlights the continued problem of access to care to the citizens, legislature, and leaders of Rhode Island.​ RIMOM needs you! Learn about how you can help and what to expect as a dental, medical volunteer. Continue reading to learn more about what to expect.​

RIMOM 2025:

October 4 & 5

Registration Opens:
July 29, 2025


RIMOM Location:
Providence Community Health Center Dental Clinic
335R Prairie Avenue
Providence, RI 02905


​What to Expect:

RIMOM expects to treat up to 600 patients at the 2 day clinic.

The PCHC clinic has 31 dental chairs, lights, units and digital radiography. In addition, several portable dental chairs and units will be available. The facility will be divided into the following areas:


Medical Screening     Restorative
Dental Screening       Oral Surgery
Hygiene                     Endodontics
Local Anesthesia       Prosthetics


Out of State Professionals 


The RI Board of Examiners in Dentistry will issue a volunteer dental/dental hygiene License that allows an out-of-state dentist/dental hygienist to provide dental or dental hygiene services at the RI Mission of Mercy without obtaining a full Rhode Island license.

Click here for forms to complete for out of state volunteers.

​​​​​​​​I am from out of state; can I volunteer?

Absolutely! Please review the information on the right had column.

I have a limited license; can I volunteer at RIMOM?

Only a fully licensed dentists in the US can provide direct patient care at RIMOM.

However, you can volunteer in the following capacities:

  • Dental Screening

  • Medical Screening

  • Dental Assisting

  • Sterilization

Do I need to carry Malpractice Insurance?

Most professional liability plans will cover you while at RIMOM. Please check with your carrier for verification. RI MOM has insurance in place that will cover those without their own coverage.


Is there training?

Yes. All Dental/Medical volunteers will receive a link to a PDF training informational document from your clinical area lead as well as

an orientation video. You will receive this information the week of the event. It is very important you read this information prior to RIMOM. In addition, your lead will hold a brief training before the start of their shift to familiarize you with the clinic.


What to Wear:

Typical dress for dental personnel is scrubs. Otherwise, dress is casual -- whatever is most comfortable for you. Remember to wear closed-toed shoes and long pants! All dental volunteers will be given an RIMOM scrub top, and are required to wear it during the clinic.


What to Bring:

PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN PROTECTIVE EYEWEAR (loupes/lights, if desired).  Gloves, masks and disposable gowns will be provided.

Can we take breaks during our shift?

We encourage you to take breaks as needed. Stay well hydrated and nourished. Check with your area lead before taking a break to make sure there is enough coverage. It will be very busy.


A volunteer lounge is available for breaks. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and beverages will be provided at no cost to our volunteers. No food is allowed in the dental clinic.


Personal Belongings:

There are no secure areas for your personal belongings. We suggest locking them in your car.


Please do not bring your own instruments:

In past years personal instruments were encouraged; but due to compliance issues, we can no longer allow outside instruments and materials in the clinics.

Additional information, click links below

Additional Information for Dentists

Hygienist, Assistant, and Dental Health Student Information

Frequently Asked Questions



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